the front door bend my ear that was Zen this is Dao

2 Messidor CCXI (Jun. 20, 2003) - 7:05 p.m.

Almost H-Hour

Every so often, I follow some trail of links that reminds me how unbearably cool the Web is. It started with one of my bookmarked sites, the Foywonder's Round Up. He linked to a pair of movie reviews he did. Also at the same site was an article on an upcoming Disney movie, which had a link to a fansite for the ride that inspired the movie. And on the part of the site devoted to the Disneyland Paris version, I found an audio file of the abandoned opening narration for the manor, read by Mr. Horror himself.

If you can't understand why I think that's cool, I've obviously left a few things out in the course of explaining who I am. And, having watched Spirited Away, I can say that if I were voting on the Hugos right now, it would be at the top of my ballot (yes, even above Chamber of FX Shots and Too Many Plot Threads). Then again, I've still not seen the PKD adaptation, but it'll have to kick my entire ass to beat out Chihiro Ogino.

(On the down side, the IMDb listing for the Dramatic Presentation awards still doesn't mention the division of the category into long and short form, and I can't quite figure out how to explain it to them. Any suggestions would be welcomed.)

I'll be busy tomorrow, reading one of the most eagerly anticipated books (perhaps the most eagerly anticipated book) of 2003. So if you go online tomorrow and don't find me on AIM, that's why. (Of course, if you're like me and going to be reading, you won't be on line either, but you'll be too busy having good taste to care.) ^_^.

Oh, and I almost forgot these:

We do what we are meant to do.

Which Matrix Reloaded persona are you?
this quiz was made by beth
You're Rosalyn!
You're Rosalyn!

Which Calvin and Hobbes Character are You?
brought to you by Quizilla



last time, on The Slack Shack - our next inciting exstallment

that ye may know me who am us, anyway? tell your friends the front door