the front door bend my ear that was Zen this is Dao

4 Absolu 129 - 2:11 p.m.

Blood, devastation, death, war, horror...

"...and other humourous events."
-- title of a Monty Python episode

I've been trying all morning to plan (or maybe avoid) an entry dealing with this whole terrorist attack thing. Fortunately, Racey's parents (one of whom worked in the WTC, and the other in the area) are okay. Also fortunately, the Pentagon crash hit between an area where blast walls had been installed (post-OKbomb) and one where the offices had been emptied so such walls could be installed.

Then, I saw a tiny bitty specimen of what I call "the Blind Albino Pantry Gecko" (although it's not actually blind and only very pale) scurrying around in our front hall. I swear to you, it was no bigger than my pinky. If I could've picked it up, I would have taken it back to the pantry, or to some other safe place. Then I noticed that Phantom (our cat -- "the attention-suck" as CB has called him) was stalking the little geep, and I gave it up. Phantom's reflexes are faster than mine, and he was closer to the "problem." After several false tries, he seems to have caught his prey.

I told mom, and she felt sorry for the gecko. So do I, but as I said to her and you, I wasn't sure how much I could do.

"There was silence. The bay was as tranquil as an old man saying his rosary. Then a pelican dove into the water and came up with a fish in its mouth, chewing it. 'Just another murder,' but part of nature, part of God's plan."
-- Robert Anton Wilson, The Earth Will Shake

last time, on The Slack Shack - our next inciting exstallment

that ye may know me who am us, anyway? tell your friends the front door